Works on all your devices
Available for free on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Windows, Kindle Fire and the Web, Neat Reader
works seamlessly across all major devices to keep your reading in sync.
Free. Beautiful. Powerful. Robust.
We have carefully applied years of ePub software experience in Neat
Reader. The app looks stunning and works fast as we took great care of
every minor detail.

Yes, it is free
Neat Reader is a free EPUB viewer.
Most users will find that the free features
has been able to meet all their needs.

Render your book perfectly
Robust parsing engine perfectly
supports ePub 2 and most ePub 3

Annotate to remember
Add annotations and notes to
improve reading efficiency. Export
notes the way you like, so you can
check them on the go.

Secure cloud storage
Store book files, notes, reading progress,
and anything in the cloud!
Never worry about data loss, just open
the app and keep enjoy reading.

Biref introduction to ePub and ePub software
EPub Files and Online EPub Readers
EPub, a popular format for eBooks and other digital content, has emerged as the standard for digital publishing. Considering the various advantages it offers over other formats like the PDF, the widespread adoption of EPub is hardly surprising. Besides supporting different types of content like images, text, audio, style sheets, vector graphics, and metadata, EPub files also support interactivity and are adaptable and versatile to suit various book types and screen sizes.
What is EPub?
EPub stands for electronic publication and is an XML-based digital publishing format standard. It is in the open eBook file format and is a freely available standard. Readers can download and read EPub files on their desktops, laptop, tablet, Smartphone, or eReader.
There are two kinds of EPub formats: reflowable and fixed-layout. The reflowable format is dynamic and can fit the screen size of the reading device. In addition, it can adjust the number of pages as per the screen size and the selected font size. In contrast, the fixed layout as the name suggests is fixed or static. Like PDF, a fixed format file cannot adapt itself according to the screen size. Additionally, it will have text, image, and other elements in a fixed position and also has a fixed number of pages. In the PDF vs. EPub debate, EPub is the clear winner, making it the more commonly used format.
How to Open EPub Files?
For opening and viewing EPub books or files, you would require an online EPub reader. Given that EPub is a popular eBook format, there are quite a few online EPub readers available. However, it’s essential to choose one that not only allows you to view EPub files in an easy manner but also offers helpful features like adding notes, saving your reading progress, and syncing with all your reading devices.
Whether you need to read professional books, textbooks, novels, reference books, illustrative booklets, or eBooks in any other category, an online EPub reader is the ultimate solution. For greater convenience and ready accessibility, it’s important to have one EPub reader across all your devices so you can sync your reading progress.
About Neat Reader – A Cross-Platform Online EPub Reader
If you’re looking for a free and easy-to-use online EPub reader that works seamlessly on all your devices, consider Neat Reader. You can use it for free across all devices, be it your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Windows, or Kindle Fire. To use it on your browser, simply Open Web App.
In addition, Neat Reader allows you to sync your eBooks on all devices so you can pick up from where you left, from any device! With our premium membership, you can even store files, notes, and reading progress in the cloud – safe and secure – and enjoy a seamless reading experience.
Plus Neat Reader - the free online EPub reader - has a ton of additional features like storing, managing, and annotating your EPub books with notes and comments for later reference. In addition, it has a robust parsing engine that supports the EPub 2 as well as most of the latest EPub 3 standards.
To download EPub reader for Windows 7 & above, MAC OS, Android, iPad, iPhone, or your browser, please refer to the download options below and get started today!